How is My Data Secured?
We all worry about security of everything. And we do not want to have our customers’ bid information to be public or ever shared with anyone. Just like you have an office with computers, laptops, cell phones, and note pads with detailed data on them, you are required to keep the information secure as well as the access to your buildings and office personnel who come into contact with all of your data etc.
Please see our detailed policy on Security & Privacy.
Please see how our data is secured using RackSpace here .
Any and all users of Pavement Layers are issued a username/password. This is just like your bank, utility company and doctors office may do today! You must keep it safe and changed.
In addition, is hosted in a secure server environment that uses a firewall and other advanced technology to prevent interference or access from outside intruders. All Data is triple backed up and secure at multiple locations. Compared to how you are doing it today, we are certain this is more secure!
Pavement Layers will access your account only with your approval to edit, fix or help you with an issue. As shared in our Privacy & Security policy no information will ever be shared, copied, downloaded or disseminated in any form without your prior written approval.