How Does This Work With WheelitOff?

  • WheelitOff is a separate tool that will only work on an iPad but enables you to include all images, measurements etc into Pavement Layers with 2 taps of your finger.
  • Think of WheelitOff as your measuring wheel, artist, and simple tool to take all the stuff you would love to be able to draw and present on a project, but never could!
  • It Costs $300 for unlimited measuring, marking of images of properties and can be purchased at the Apple App Store.  There is a yearly fee after the first year of $300 for the connection to Pavement Layers.  See the video on the home page showing how to include maps and images directly into Pavement Layers.
  • It enables you to be on the site seeing all the aspects of the project, not sitting behind a desk.
  • For instance, imagine being able to mark the 12 repairs that are base failures in yellow and the 7 mill & fill repairs in blue and include in your proposal in under 2 minutes.  Oh, and the same images are uploaded into the work order system of pavement layers, it’s simple and saves a ton of time, money and frustrations!
  • Check out WheelitOff Here